Important GO'S ans Proceedings

*     creamy layer

*     MEO JOB chart


*2013 to 2019 , PRC GO'S From 1986 to  2015 GO'S  Diary from Kadarla suryanarayan PGHM      download

*  Green your school programme proceeding 2019   download 1
download 2

* IGBC Green school awards detail notification 2019 
  download1  download 2

* TDS and TCS schedule for E filing

* Preservation of Earned leaves  download

*  Abyasam anandanga schedule  2019

*  Abyasam anandanga proceeding  2019

* Attainment of Basic Competencies ABC proceeding

* Safe School one day orientation programme proceeding 2019

*  National innovative awards guideline proceeding 2019 

* Permission to avail extra five days of casual leaves in addition to regular casual leaves and optional holidays to all women employees in working telangana state. Go.Ms No: 142 ; Dated :01-09-2018

* Preservation of  earned Leave summer vacation proceeding  MAY- 2018 Jagtial District DEO
 page 1,     page 2 ,  page 3,   Page 4 , Page 5,

* Vidya Volunteers honorarium proceeding for the year 2018-19

* Extension of term of SMC till 31-01-2019, Proc. No : 2751/ssa/CMO/T4/2018 ; Dated - 30-07-2018

* Contributory  Pen son Scheme Extension of benefits of retirement gratuity GO MS No 60

* Best Teachers guidelines GO MS No 29

* Central affidavit for unified service rules

* Procurement of note books in kgbv school s proceedings

* Procdure for extending the benefits of old pension gps for causual workers procceding

* Conduct of Teleconference through Nipuna chanal on Environmental education on 8-8-2018, 2pm-4pm  download

* proceedings of Telecost of inspire awards programme for headmasters

*   Engaging the services of MIS coordinators,Data entry operators, cluster  resource  persons, Messengers, System Analytics,Apo s on out sourcing and contract basic for the year 2017-18.
 Rc.No:646/TSSA/plg/T7/14;Dated : 10-04-2018   download

*  DA G.o.Ms No : 135,   Dated :  22-09-2017     download

*  G.O.Ms.No.36    Dated 16-12-2017                download

*bio metric up high schools and PS ups schools training proceeding        download